By ArKaos Team
on 02 Dec 2016 11:43 AM

Blog image MediaMaster 5 Subtitles and Lyric Player

Prior to MediaMaster 5, if you needed to display subtitles or synchronize lyrics with a singer, the text effects were not flexible enough. That task has been made easier in version 5, with a Subtitle and Lyric Player and a new folder of text effects specifically designed to display subtitles or song lyrics. The Text Library has been enhanced so that each 255 text slots can point to a text file (.txt) or a subtitle file (.srt). Get started and try it with the demo version, open the Text Library (Command or Ctrl T) and select a text or subtitle (.txt, .srt) file in one of the text slot. Make sure you switch to the Theater mode if it’s not already the case in the preferences:
By ArKaos Team
on 10 Oct 2016 3:54 PM

Activate dongle inside the Mediamaster Software

Here is a short guide explaining how to upgrade your License Dongle for MediaMaster 5.      Upgrading your license: As for any upgrade of MediaMaster, the first step is to apply your upgrade on your license in your ArKaos account at There are two cases:
By ArKaos Team
on 03 Jun 2014 9:38 AM
  • mediamaster

Blog Image How to use the new license system of MediaMaster 4 and 5

MediaMaster 4 comes with a new license system that is both more flexible and easy to use. In this blog we will guide you on: How to activate a license directly from MediaMaster 4 and 5 How to use a serial key to activate a machine without internet connection How to renew your license How to deactivate the software If you did receive an activation code either in the product box, by email or in your account on our website, you are ready to activate your product. How to activate a license directly from MediaMaster 4 and 5 Activation of MediaMaster 4 can be done directly in the software if you have an internet connection. When you first run the software you will be presented with the Software Activation dialog.
By ArKaos Team
on 03 Jun 2014 9:30 AM
  • mediamaster

Blog Image How to move a license to a dongle

With MediaMaster 5, you can move any license to a dongle. The big benefit is that your license will always be with you, you can plug and activate any machine (Mac or PC), and you will never need to connect to the internet anymore. This operation is irreversible, so please make sure you are more comfortable using a license dongle first. You will need: The license activation code An empty license dongle(*) MediaMaster running on a computer with an internet connection. Note: A dongle can be purchased through your local distributor or on our online shop.
By ArKaos Team
on 22 May 2014 3:08 PM
  • license
  • dongle
  • activation
  • backup
  • mediamaster

Blog image New licensing system in MediaMaster 4

As announced in Frankfurt last March, MediaMaster 4 introduces a completely redesigned licensing system. We listened to all your requests and went through the various situations that our users are encountering to provide a solution that is very flexible and even more user-friendly. With MediaMaster 4, users can easily activate a machine, either through the website or directly in the application, by entering an activation code. A license can then easily be deactivated from one machine and moved to another machine, an unlimited number of times. The new licensing system also provides two interesting options for offline scenarios where your machine or media server should not be connected to internet. Either a Serial Key (.aks) file can be downloaded from our website and copied to your offline machine, or otherwise we also propose now an optional license dongle, available as an option through your local distributor or in our online shop.
By ArKaos Team
on 06 Mar 2012 12:00 AM
  • nu-vj
  • hardware
  • controller
  • grandvj
  • midi


We’ve recently released GrandVJ 1.6.5 which brings support for DJ-Style MIDI controllers with a jog wheel for scratching. That was all we were missing to bring support for the NuVJ controller in GrandVJ. And we know that this compatibility was a much requested feature, as the NuVJ Video Mixer is being progressively phased out by Numark, the software part is no more updated and users are left with a controller sitting on a shelf. Instead of continuing to put resources in bringing into the NuVJ software some features that are already implemented in GrandVJ we have decided to focus all our efforts in improving GrandVJ more and more so that each new version gets better and the future version 2 can be as amazing as we are planning it.
By ArKaos Team
on 27 Jun 2011 12:00 AM


GrandVJ is not only a tool for VJ’s to mix visuals in sync with the music from a DJ, it can also be very useful for Musicians wishing to add a visual dimension to their music. Ok, the difference is subtle but it’s indeed another point of view that we keep in consideration when developing the software.   Recently we spotted the video below on Twitter, it’s produced by live audio-visual artist Ryan Noise and Unique Squared and we found it to be a great introduction to the use of GrandVJ in connection with Ableton Live. Note that Ryan connects GrandVJ and Ableton through Rewire here, but the latest GrandVJ 1.5 comes with a VST plugin which allows not only to send MIDI to GrandVJ but also sound, so that you can use it to trigger sound-reactive Generators or Flash animations.
By ArKaos Team
on 25 Feb 2010 12:00 AM
  • grandvj
  • mediamaster
  • quartz
  • tutorial
  • visuals


In GrandVJ 1.2 we have introduced the support for Quartz Compositions, either as visual or as effect. Note that MediaMaster 1.2 will also support Quartz Compositions, so you can use this with MediaMaster 1.2 too (the beta can be found on our forums) Quartz Composer is a free graphics and imaging tool on the Mac platform which is available as an optional install that can be found on your Mac OS X DVD since version 10.4. It allows very easy creation of complex audio-reactive animations or effects which can now be played in GrandVJ (read the previous article about GrandVJ and Quartz Composer). As I’m writing these lines, the last version of Quartz-Composer is 4.0 on Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard). In this article we will demonstrate how to quickly create a bass-reactive Zoom/Blur effect like the one you can see below:
By ArKaos Team
on 25 Jan 2010 12:00 AM
  • grandvj
  • mapping
  • midi
  • template


Back in October we blogged about the guys from Livid blogging about GrandVJ 1.2 beta natively supporting their Ohm64 controller out of the box through Generic MIDI Feedback. Since then, we have been exchanging ideas with them by e-mail and we even met them at the NAMM a few days ago, and indeed we share the same view about how our products should be: open and expandable. Meanwhile we have released GrandVJ 1.2 and we took the time to include a special template for the Ohm64 in this release. As we did for the Akai APC40, this new dedicated template allows even more bidirectional communication between both products and takes advantage of all the control and feedback possibilities offered by the device. It’s just like if your GrandVJ was made for your Ohm64.. and vice-versa :) And thus, below is a new video from Livid showing their controller in action with GrandVJ:
By ArKaos Team
on 15 Oct 2009 12:00 AM
  • grandvj
  • flash
  • actionscript


Note: This is also valid for MediaMaster and NuVJ A post by Guest Author VJ Ecin (Ben Guerrette), find more about him at the end of this article.. Here’s my second tutorial showing how to take advantage of the Flash capabilities within ArKaos GrandVJ. This one covers the creation of dynamic text visuals. I’ll go explain how to tap into the “statement” variable within Flash so you can create your own text based clips. I’ll also touch on the “duration” and “position” variables, which if used properly, allow playback speed adjustment of code based animations. We’ll be using some basic ActionScript 2.0 that’s a little more advanced than the previous tutorial.. Note that it will also work for NuVJ and MediaMaster since the variables are the same.