Send us some great show reports from the gigs you did with GrandVJ, complete with nice photos, text information and video. We'll feature the best ones on our web site's home page. We'll also publish them in our newsletter and social networks.. And we'll send each selected author one of our cool GrandVJ T-Shirts.
You don't really have any records from your previous shows because you were too busy VJing? No worries, this action is valid until Sept. 1st, so make sure you get enough info on your next performance this summer!
Along with the pictures and - preferably - a video, we need some text (approx. one page) describing the event, an overview of your setup, why and how you've been using GrandVJ, with which controller etc.. Don't worry too much about writing some nice sentences, we'll rewrite it if necessary and in any case we'll send you a preview for approval before publication.
How to participate?
Before you start working on a text etc.., first send us an e-mail to contact[at]arkaos[dot]net with a short info about your show and maybe one or two pictures or links so we can get the idea. If we're interested we'll tell you how you can send us the files.