A post by Guest Author VJ Ecin (Ben Guerrette), find more about him at the end of this article..
As promised, here’s the first in a series of tutorials showing how to take advantage of the Flash capabilities within ArKaos GrandVJ. Note that it will also work for NuVJand MediaMaster since the variables are the same.
In this tutorial I’ll explain how to tap into the EQ data to create some simple audio-reactive animations. We’ll be using some basic ActionScript 2.0 for the inexperienced Flash programmer. I won’t go into much detail on the how the code works but it should be enough of an introduction to allow some experimentation in creating new content for your VJ arsenal.
You can download the final .fla and .swf files here or follow along the video tutorial below.
About the author: VJ Ecin (Ben Guerrette):
Ben Guerrette is an interactive motion graphics designer and VJ from Los Angeles, he has developed audio-reactive Flash animations that comes bundled with GrandVJ and NuVJ. He is also the founder of TriggerMotion, a portal for sharing and trading of Flash visuals.