By ArKaos Team
on 15 Jul 2009 12:00 AM
  • controller
  • grandvj
  • mapping
  • midi
  • template

With GrandVJ, it is possible to import and export template and share controller mappings with your friends.

Since it’s a handy feature but that the process is not totally obvious (although documented :), we’ll recap quickly here how to do:

  1. Create a template for the controller of your choice
  2. Save the template by choosing the ‘File/Save Mapping Template…‘ menu.
    Give it a name and a description. 
    Hit ‘OK‘.
  3. Now choose ‘File/Load Mapping Template‘. The dialog will show you all the available templates, including the one you just saved.
  4. Select your template and right click on it. Choose ‘Export…
  5. Enter a file name and save it.

At this point, you will end up with a .vjt file that you can take with you / send by email to the person you want to share it with.

On the other computer, fire GrandVJ and select ‘Load Mapping Template…‘. At the bottom of the dialog, there’s an ‘Import...’ button. Click it.

Select the file you exported and the template will be loaded into the library.

Happy sharing.

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